March 26, 2007

Calling All Librarians

The RWA conference is coming up kiddies, and you know what that means - the Librarian's Day Event. Cathie Linz always does a nice job putting this day together, and the last time I attended (Reno in 2005) the free goodies were choice. If you're a librarian, and in the area, I do recommend it. It's a nice day, and the huge-ass book signing follows afterwards - so it makes for a full, rich (and tiring) day, but it's oodles of fun.

Nora Roberts is this year's luncheon speaker. Correct me if I'm wrong here - but she's done the librarian's day for several years running now. I always get a kick out of seeing Nora at RWA (although I'm too much of a goober to actually talk to her). I always come back to work afterwards and tell everybody in a hushed whisper, "Nora Roberts was there! Yes, she's a real person and not a cyborg!" When you're that prolific, we librarians wonder. I have a theory that James Patterson has a writing sweat shop in Guatemala - but that's another blog post entirely.

So imagine my heady giddiness when Nora responded to this post. One, two, three - squeeeee! And she needs our help? If you're a librarian (or just wish you were) what would you like to hear Nora talk about at the Librarian's Day Event? Besides her top secret plans to take over the world of course.

Side note: I think I'd like to hear Nora talk about all her years in the business. Her first book was released in 1981, and her back list is humongous. I mean, she's seen trends come and go, "ideas" from the powers-that-be come and go, and romance evolve. Or has it really? I'd love to hear her take on this. Has the industry really changed? Or do "we" just think it has?


Rosie said...

Yeah "heady giddiness" indeed, and she asked for your input. Pretty cool!

Nicole said... about how she feels about people thinking she's not real? Or at least that she doesn't work as hard as she does. I'd think that would irk me to no end.

lol, can you tell that comes up at work a lot? "Nora Roberts doesn't really write all those books, you know. She has ghostwriters."

but she's by far one of the most popular authors we sell.

Nora Roberts said...

Do some librarians and/or booksellers think I have ghost writers? Well, jeez. Hard to convince them otherwise, unless I had a few live with me for a month or two, and no.

My only idea so far is talking some about the changes, evolutions and cycles of the genre. Is that boring?

I hate lunch speeches, even when I'm giving them.

Wendy said...

Damn, and here I thought I had a shot at Nora adopting me. Le sigh. Back to my original plan of finding a younger man with older money.

Nicole - Yeah, like the top 5 (or 10) myths of being Nora Roberts! She has a minion of ghostwriters chained to typewriters in her basement! LOL

Nora - I like your idea. Like I said, you published your first book in 1981 so you can definitely talk (at length I'm sure!) at how the genre has evolved/changed over the years.

Alie said...

Dear God, NORA ROBERTS responded to you! She knows you exist. I'm so envious. I can't believe she may have seen my comment to that entry lol.

I like what you told her about what you'd like to hear. Why she continues to write romance books when she could delve into pretty much any genre now that she's so well established.