Coming May 29, 2007:
ISBN 0-7582-0785-9, Hard Cover, $22.00
Description:I think I've mentioned before how much I enjoy Levine's mysteries. And since I tend to read her books in one sitting, I'm left wringing my hands for a year until Kensington releases the next installment. She either needs to write faster or clone herself, because I sure as hell can't read her books any slower.Jaine Austen has never been able to resist the siren call of an Eskimo Pie, just like she can’t resist renewing her romance with Andrew, an old crush. With her bank account hitting new lows, she’s also just agreed to write jokes for Dorcas, a stand-up comic who throws her pantyhose into the audience as a punch line.
Not only is Dorcas’s act a bomb, she is heckled by Vic, a gorgeous fellow comic who is equally good on stage and in the sack. Unfortunately Vic loves performing in both venues. He gets in bed with a sexy waitress, a pretty new lover, and a sweet girlfriend while professing his undying love for each. Worse, he is two-timing his aging agent. Pretty soon Vic has an enemy’s list a mile long, and when he needles Dorcas one time too many, she assaults him at a club’s open-mike night.
Naturally when Vic is murdered with Dorcas’s pantyhose and that same Dorcas is standing over his dead body, the police arrest...Dorcas. They figure it’s an open-and-shut case although Jaine figures no killer can be that dumb—even Dorcas. But when Jaine sets out to find the real culprit, she is distracted by one dating disaster after another with Andrew—and she may not see the dark side of comedy until she faces the business end of a gun and a cold, deadly grin...
I absolutely adore her books! I think she is so funny, and the mysteries are pretty good too. They are pretty easy to read in one sitting, though I have a hard time buying them in hardcover. I put them on hold from the library.
I really enjoy mysteries, so keep the reviews coming!
I tend to buy Levine in hard cover when I have disposable income. Then I turn around and donate my copy to the library :) It all boils down to how my budget looks.
That said, I really need to buy this entire series in paperback. I donated it in it's entirety to work and now I'm regretting it.....
I think that's great that you donate them! I think I am going to go through some of my books and start donating them to the library. The last sale I went to, they told me even if the library couldn't use them, the Friends would.
If I had the money, maybe I could...but when I can get 3 books for the price of 1, I usually do.
I really enjoy her books, too. Will probably get it from the library, though.
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