After whomping on the Kansas City Royals this weekend (which is admittedly like shooting fish in a barrel these days - sorry KC fans) my
Detroit Tigers have
clinched their first playoff spot since 1987. 1980-frickin'-7.

I'm happy. I'm pleased. I'm trying to ignore the fact that I really think the Skankies win the World Series this year (should I beat the Christmas rush and start sacrificing goats now?). But whatever. My Tigers pulled it off. We still have a division to win - but even with some extremely rocky play this past month (and the Twins breathing down our necks) we're making the post season.
I think this is what they mean by "unknown territory."
Back to books tomorrow....
Whooo hoooo for the Tigers. I haven't been following baseball that much recently - not since the Jays go officially knocked out of contention. I was aware that the Yankees clinched it - again - *sigh* and I knew that the Tigers were neck in neck. Since the Jays are out - I'm backing the Tigers!!
Congrats to your Tigers.
Wendy said son who loves the Reds is wearing a black arm band today because he also loves the Tampa Bay Buccaneers who as of yesterday are 0-3. So as a wife and mother of sports fans whose moods are prone to rise and fall with their teams, I offer you my congratulations and felicitations. Hope you celebrated suitably!
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