So remember a month back when I did a Little Miss Crabby Pants post that involved
much frothing at the mouth over baseball umpire, Jim Joyce,
losing his damn mind and calling a base runner (who was clearly out by like 7000 ft.) safe and thereby robbing my guy
Armando Galarraga of a perfect game? Well it ended well enough - with Armando sucking it up, accepting Joyce's apology, and turning the whole ordeal into the feel good story of the season. Kudos to the city of Detroit for actually looking
good in the media spotlight for a change!
See L.A., that's how it's done.)
Well, Joyce and
My Armando
recently reunited on stage for ESPN's
ESPY award show (no clue, honestly) and hubba, hubba -
look at Armando! No, not the old white guy (although nice suit Jimmy!) - the cutie-patootie Venezuelan standing next to him. In a suit! And tie!
::Swoon:: Be still my wee lil' librarian heart!
Seriously, this is the closest I'll ever get to posting nekkid beefcake on this blog. Yep, guys wearing suits. Hey, it takes all kinds. Just sayin'.
He looks very, very tasty.
Don't blame you for the crush, Wendy. He's gorgeous, throw in the fact that he's a class act and that makes him even more attractive.
whoo! He is one good lookin' guy! And like Hilcia said, he's a class act too and that just makes him more attractive.
But wow, he's hot no matter how you look at it! :)
Woo hoo! He is HOT!!! :) I might have to start watching more baseball....granted, he's probably dating some half-wit pop star or model right? Most baseball players do...sigh and grrr. :(
Lil' Sis: Gotta be honest - he looks better in a suit than in his baseball uni. Although that could be because he looks "relaxed" here and when I see him pitch he's always wearing his "game face."
And honestly, no clue about his personal life. I don't think he's married....but not sure if he's single or not.
Everybody Else: I started the season minus a boyfriend on my team since we traded my ex, Curtis Granderson, to the Yankees in the off-season. But wow, it's been a nice season filled with eye candy. Armando, Austin Jackson, Brennan Bosch....
OK - tall, dark and sexy might actually get me to like baseball. If only they looked like that when they played. :)
Sorry Wendy, Armando IS married.
Leslie: Lots of good lookin' baseball players out there. I should devote a whole blog post to the eye candy one of these days....
Kelly: Well, dagnabit! Oh well....
That was the bonus of crushin' on Curtis Granderson - he was/is single. But now he's a dirty, dirty Yankee - so no more crushin'....
H-O-T. No, it's not just a flash.
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