Finian O'Melaghin was sent on a mission by his king to uncover just how much the treacherous Lord Rardove knows about the mythical Wishme dyes. Oh, like the fact that not only is the legendary dye capable of creating the most astonishing shade of indigo, but that it's also explosive. Needless to say, given the unsettling times of late 13th century Ireland, a lot of people want that recipe - including the evil Rardove, who immediately takes Finian prisoner, and goes about torturing him for answers.
Enter, stage left, Senna de Valery, an English wool merchant. She's come to Ireland to conduct business with Rardove, not realizing that she's walking straight into a trap. She's there to secure what could be a very lucrative deal (thereby saving her father's gambling butt...again). What she doesn't realize is that Rardove thinks she can reproduce the Wishme dyes for him, which means she's in a whole lot of danger. She learns quickly enough though, and immediately goes about trying to save her bacon. And to do that? She has to free a certain Irish warrior from the dungeons.
What follows is your classic textbook example of a road romance. Finian and Senna escape Rardove's clutches and then are on the run for pretty much the rest of the book. The sticking point, besides the bad guys, is that now Finian and Senna are at cross purposes. She wants to go in one direction, him another. But, no matter. They get it sorted out, and adventure ensues.
Finian is probably what is going to sell this book to a lot of romance readers. He's everything good about the old-school romance heroes. He's noble, he's loyal, he's fierce, and he finds himself falling hard for the heroine. Naturally, when he does fall, he will do anything to protect her. There's a moment towards the end of the book, during the climax, where he says something that actually made my heart melt. This is a man who, while having lived a hard life and been betrayed in the past, will not meekly toss aside the woman he not only has fallen in love with, but the woman who, literally, saved his life. Like I said, loyal.
Senna was a bit more problematic, mostly because I found her character a wee bit inconsistent. Make no mistake, she's breathtakingly awesome during the early chapters. She's a perfect romance heroine in every way. She's smart, she's fierce, and she's feisty (in a good way, not a braindead way). She connives, schemes and plans. She takes a stand. I wanted to run away with this woman and have babies with her, that's how much I loved her.
But then it all starts to slide a bit after she and Finian make their escape. She comes off, at times, as petulant and innocent. One moment she's worldly and wise, the next she pouts. She's a bit all over the map for me. What carried me through was her sheer awesomeness in the early chapters, and that some of that initial fierceness does peak through during the middle section. Also, her character finishes quite strong during the final chapters. I sort of felt like she ended up coming back full circle.
At the end of the day, there really is scads to love about this story. It has that sweeping saga-like feel to it. There's danger, intrigue and a hunky hero. There's a solid heroine who is a good match for him, and plenty of history, with some creative tweaking, to keep it all humming along. I mean, when was the last time you read about exploding dyes in a historical romance? It's unique enough, and plausible enough, to make for a dang intriguing read.
I've never professed to be a huge lover of the medieval time period, but I do love solid historicals, and Kris Kennedy has now written two of them. Run out and buy both, if for no other reason than I said so. Oh, and for the principle of the thing. Otherwise when (or if) you start whining about how all "historical romances are reading the same," I'm likely to throw something heavy at you. And I will aim for your head. Just sayin'.
Final Grade = B
I put Senna's behavior change up to the circumstances. For the first time in..well, her entire life, she had someone she could lean on. Someone to be strong for her.
So she kind of..let go. She let her guard down and trusted Finian to protect her (both emotionally and physically). Of course it could be that I was projecting, but that's how it came off to me.
I was more bothered by the stuff with the dyes - I don't feel she did a great job explaining those. Though that may have been my problem and not hers.
Either way, the book was outstanding. I, too, love the sweeping, saga-like feel of her work.
Holly: See, I was kind of rolling with that, but then she got whiny during the boat ride.... She sort of lost me there.
But so totally frackin' awesome in the beginning and end that the waffling middle was a lot easier to overlook.
The dye-stuff was enough for me. Too much more and my eyes probably would have crossed from the details. Also, I liked that there was just a tiny touch of "legend" tossed in there to give it a nice mythical Irish-ness. If that makes any sense whatsoever.
And for you history junkies: There are author notes at the end! ::Swoon::
I really, really must rectify the fact that I haven't read anything by Kris Kennedy. Will load on my brand new Nook ("She did it all for the nookie!" - That was for you, Holly), and read to my heart's content on the cruise.
Another fantastic review, Wendy!
You're so mean to me, Kati! ::sob::
I don't know if it still is, but this book was available for free for the nook last week.
I'm glad you got it!
Thanks for the review! I've been wondering about this book and now I know I have to read it! I love historical romances, especially regency and medieval. But it's hard to find good ones...add to the fact that the hero is Irish instead of English or Scottish....that's even more uncommon.
Kati: Oh man Kati, you really need to try her books! Holly, feel free to chime in here *G*, but I think I liked this book a tinch better than her debut. But I think I graded them both "B" so that's sort of like splitting hairs :)
Booklover: I can take or leave Scottish historicals, but man I love it when Ireland is used in medievals. Have you tried Carrie Lofty's first two books - What A Scoundrel Wants and Scoundrel's Kiss? WaSW takes place in England but SK is set in medieval Spain!
I still haven't read The Conqueror - though now I have two copies - one print and one ebook. This one sounds equally appealing though I'm trying to stay on a book buying ban until the end of July *wink*. If I don't get a copy there, I'll be sure to get this one - and hopefully read both!
oh yeah, this is totally on my radar!!
Kristie: Well....I've already read your blog post about you breaking your book buying ban LOL. I hope you enjoy both of her books...I think you will :)
Jill: I seem to recall that you really liked The Conquerer. Right? If I'm remembering that right, I'm sure you'll end up loving this book.
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