Amazon discontinued the ability to create images using their SiteStripe feature and in their infinite wisdom broke all previously created images on 12/31/23. Many blogs used this feature, including this one. Expect my archives to be a hot mess of broken book cover images until I can slowly comb through 20 years of archives to make corrections.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

RWA Photo Array: Final Day

Wendy, Not At Work:

Cynthia Ellingsen (who I went to high school with!) signing her debut novel

L to R: Mary Blayney, Ruth Langan, Nora Roberts signing copies of The Unquiet

Nalini Singh signing books

Carrie Lofty signing copies of Flawless and Starlight.  Seriously, read her books!

Petite, lovely Nora (wearing a necklace I was totally drooling over) next to Giant Scary Me.

Wendy, Back At Work:
Giant Pile #1 of leftover Literacy Signing books.  Yeah, this is a corner in my office.

Giant Pile #2 of leftover Literacy Signing books.  This is in a room downstairs off our Teen area.

I'll take more pictures as books get unpacked and sorted. I'm expecting Teen volunteers on Tuesday to help with the organization process!  Thank you sweet baby Jesus!


Nikki said...

Lovely pictures. What a great haul you made! Have fun with that sorting...

Hilcia said...

Oh my! Carrie Lofty and Nora Roberts... you lucky woman, you!

Blythe Gifford said...

So great to see you! Glad you had such a good time.

azteclady said...

Hey, Wendy, what are you gonna do with all those RWA totes? *fluttering eyelashes*

little alys said...

Awesome haul! I'm so happy to see you had fun even being piled under the tons of books.

And I can't wait to dive into them when they go to the local library! :D And...what azteclady said. *wink wink*


Wendy said...

Nikki: OMG - the sorting! Took us all day!

Hils: So great to see Carrie, and I got myself a print copy of Starlight....which I still need to read. Cuz, I suck like that.

Blythe: So great to see you again too! As always :)

AL & Alys: Ha! I could have auctioned off those tote bags to the highest bidder! And *psst* be on the lookout for oh, about four them. We're going to do some giveaways here at the Bat Cave soon-ish :)

nath said...

Awesome pictures Wendy!! So did you have fun at least? I bet you did, after all, you met NR (which I guess is not the first time) and saw some other favorite authors :)