Amazon discontinued the ability to create images using their SiteStripe feature and in their infinite wisdom broke all previously created images on 12/31/23. Many blogs used this feature, including this one. Expect my archives to be a hot mess of broken book cover images until I can slowly comb through 20 years of archives to make corrections.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

The Break Is Over

Back in July I announced my retirement from The Romance Reader claiming burn-out. I was burnt-out, and technically still am - from that kind of review commitment. But it will still probably strike some of you a little odd that if you head over to Paperback Reader today you'll find a big announcement.

Yes, I'm their new reviewer.

After throwing off the yoke of reviewing, why did I agree to this insanity? Well it all started when I won a contest they were having. Pick a book you'd like to read, we'll send it to you, and all you have to do is review it for us. Well I "won," and that's when the shameless flattery started. Seriously, that's all it took. So after much discussion with The First Wendy (PBR's Wendy Duren), I said, "Sure! Why the Hell not?"

I think this will be a very good fit for me. It gives me another review forum (besides my blog), they have a very relaxed schedule and (this was a deal breaker) I can review "older" books. Yes kids, that means I can read through books I already have languishing in my TBR and have another place to post reviews. This should make KristieJ extremely happy given that she spent our entire time at RWA Dallas nagging me incessantly ("Wendy, Wendy, Wendy!") over all the "great" books I still have lying about, but haven't read. I know, I know. I have issues.

Right now I don't know how often you'll see me over at PBR. I'm going to shoot for once a month, and see what happens. But do check out the blog, because it's really very cool. Where else can you see romance authors reviewing romance novels?

My intro is here (again, shameless flattery works wonders) and my first review is here. Stop on by now, ya hear?


Rosie said...

I have PBR on google reader so imagine my surprise to find you there this morning? :)

Kristie (J) said...

LOL - It didn't take long to get back into the game :) And now you have no excuse to get into some of those classics you have *g* Congrats on the new review job.

Jennie said...

Yay Wendy! I really like PBR--they have great reviews. You will fit right in. ;)

Wendy said...

KristieJ: I think that's what I'm going to do. When there isn't a "new" book out I'm interested in doing a PBR review for, I'm going to dig through my TBR. Lord knows I have oodles of "classics" buried in there, some of them that are even still in print.