I like books that challenge me emotionally. The kind of books that speak to me on a deeper level. Romance at it's best does this for me. Romance at it's worst makes me want to drink Drano - but that's another blog post entirely.
I literally could have read Maureen McKade's latest, A Reason to Live (laydown date September 5 folks) in one sitting if not for this pesky working for a living gig I have, and the fact that this book emotionally walloped me. Seriously, I needed to take the occasional little break but it kept calling me back. As is, I still read it in under 24 hours.
Laurel Covey is from Massachusetts, but married a man from Virginia. When the Civil War breaks out, she follows her husband - so she is disowned by her family. While Robert is fighting in the Army, Laurel is a nurse - then Robert dies in Gettysburg. Laurel transfers to a field hospital close to the front lines and witnesses the horrors of war. She also hears the final words of dying men, and after peace is declared, takes it upon herself to visit the families of these young men and deliver their final messages.
On the road she meets Creede Forrester, who just so happens to have come looking for her. A Texas cotton farmer, he traveled to Virginia only to learn his only son is dead. The doctor he meets with tells him about Laurel, and suggests she might know more about his son. She does. Austin came into the field hospital dead on arrival. There was nothing she could do.
Creede has now lost both his wife and son in tragic ways. He feels guilty, having been unable to keep them safe, and also mourns the last words he spoke to his son - words of anger and contempt. He is also haunted by his past - a terrible childhood tragedy and stint as a hired gun. Maybe it's his guilt that drives him, or his fascination with Laurel, but he tells her (in no uncertain terms) that he will accompany her on the rest of her mission.
This story is so good it's painful. It's the kind of book that rips your heart out, dances a jig on it, then puts it back together again. Laurel is haunted by her past and believes she is going crazy. She has night terrors. She has flashbacks where she can smell the blood, death and hear boys screaming for their lives. We, as modern readers, know she is not crazy. She has post-traumatic stress disorder. But she doesn't know that, and it gives her mission a frantic quality. She wants to deliver these messages before her sanity completely melts away.
Creede admires Laurel, and desperately wants to get close to her, but can't quite figure out how. She's a tough one to crack, and he too is a haunted man. News of his son's death has stripped the last of his new life away - he figures he might as well go back to being a hired gun. Then he meets Laurel and it all changes.
One of the many things I loved about this book is how McKade handles the aftermath of the War. She doesn't dumb down the Civil War, bless her heart. Yes, it was about more than slavery. She also doesn't have villains. She doesn't place blame. The North is just as guilty as the South. She also portrays freed-slaves in a manner I've never before seen in a romance novel. A people exhilarated by their freedom, but left adrift with no resources.
Also notable are those messages that Laurel is delivering. She meets people from all walks of life and not all of them are happy to see her. Some are grateful for the dying words she brings them, others are angry and bitter. Grief, while a universal emotion, is not dealt with in a universal manner. Even Laurel questions whether or not she is doing the right thing - but she made promises to those dying boys...
I guess if I had to name a quibble it would be I wanted a bit more on the death of Creede's wife. But really, that's a minor detail hardly worth a mention. What makes this story work is that it emotionally exhausts the reader in a good way. You bleed for Laurel. You admire her for what she tried to do and what she is doing. This isn't an easy book to read, in fact it's heartbreaking, but McKade rings out more emotion with this book than in 95% of the other romances I've slogged through this year. It's wonderful, it's tender, it gives me hope that someone out there had brains enough to see this fine book published. Even if it is a western and the western is apparently dead.
Final Grade = A.
You convinced me! I ordered it!
"It's not dead. It's being neglected. It's in hibernation. It's dormant - but it ain't dead."
Hear!!! Hear!!! I love this genre too and I think if the publishers made an effort to publish more and be a bit patient, they could make a comeback. I've been looking through some older Avon books and I am so saddened by the number they used to publish in the 90's as opposed to the number they publish today -which would be a big fat 0!! Some of the best books I've read lately have been Westerns - The Gate to Eden, Hope's Captive, etc. I commend Dorchester and Leisure 'cause even though they have some pretty bad covers, they are still publishing Westerns.
I'm really looking forward to reading A Reason to Live especially after reading your review when it comes out and I notice it's published by Berkley - yea for them too!
Me too!!! I love westerns and have some favs on my keeper shelves. I'm picking this book up as soon as I can.
YAY! I am so happy to hear this! hee I hope to have this in my mail today.
FYI the author will be guest blogging on Sept 7th.
Well I just read Catherine Anderson's Summer Breeze, and I'm still trying to decide how I feel about it.
This one sounds worthy of going onto my ever growing Amazon wishlist.
I've read Summer Breeze, so I can say that A Reason To Live is the superior book IMHO. I liked SB - but Anderson does have a tendency to lay the syrup on pretty thick....
Oh, man, I gotta have this! I did like SB too but I agree that it was syrupy.
Hmm...I've been looking for gritty Westerns so I'll be on the lookout for this one. I think the problem with western romances is that lately, the covers have been "sweet" and "pretty" in order to compete with the sweet, pretty covers granted to European historicals--and that's a problem because fans of Western historicals are unable to identify them. If Wendy hadn't gushed over this book, I would pass it up because the cover doesnt appeal to me at all.
I had to stop reading your review but will come back to it after I've found the book and read it. I knew Maureen had a new book, wasn't positive about release date, and now I can't wait to read it.
I agree with you totally about western being neglected. Thank you for that eloquent and TRUE statement.
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