Amazon discontinued the ability to create images using their SiteStripe feature and in their infinite wisdom broke all previously created images on 12/31/23. Many blogs used this feature, including this one. Expect my archives to be a hot mess of broken book cover images until I can slowly comb through 20 years of archives to make corrections.

Monday, August 22, 2005

Scary Stuff

First, I'd love to thank all of you Blogger users that have been talking about spam lately.

You jinxed me.

I was doing so good too! The only spam I ever got in my comments field was about "hot young girls" in a post about an erotica novel I read.

I went to Blogger and changed my profile, so I hope that fixes it. If not, I'll have to stop allowing anonymous comments. Sorry folks!

In other news - I saw some scary (and ignorant) tattoos today on a library patron.

This guy comes in quite a bit - and here's a shock (again library sarcasm) - he solely uses the library for Internet access.

He was wearing short sleeves today and I got a real good look at two of his tats. One was of a swastika. The other? A hooded figure - as in the kind of a hood a KKK member would wear.


While I do not work in a large African-American community, I'd say 80% of my library patrons are Asian (mostly Vietnamese). I love the fact that this guy is wandering around my building sporting racist tattoos. Frankly, I find this more disturbing than the homeless guy who likes to wash his feet in my public restroom.


Candy said...

I was browsing around a White Power network a while back, and I came across a site featuring various tattoos sported by assorted WP people. One of these tattoos was an enormous scroll that spanned the guy's back, and in large, black, Gothic-style characters, it said: "Anti-Semetic."

I just howled and howled with laughter. I couldn't help wondering: Was the tattoo artist Jewish? Did he deliberately misspell it? Or is it just a case of rampant stupidity spilling over into somebody's spelling?

Wendy said...


My money would be on the Jewish tattoo artist - but something tells me these WP assholes stick to their own kind when inking their bodies.

The Boyfriend didn't see the big deal when I relayed this story to him. "C'mon Wendy, he just advertises his ignorance better than most people."

Can't argue with that logic.