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Tuesday, June 29, 2004

I finished up a really fun cozy mystery this morning - Last Writes by Laura Levine. The heroine, Jaine Austen (no relation), is a free lance writer who lands a job writing for a sub par syndicated television sitcom. She's not on the job very long though before she discovers a whole lot of dysfunction on and off the set. When the hunky star drops dead from a poisoned donut - Jaine begins sleuthing to clear her best friend's name, who just happens to be the prime suspect.

Part of the fun of this book was the first person narrative. Between the surrealness of the sitcom, Jaine's parents' bizarre behavior, and her pet cat, Prozac - I found myself chuckling often. Lord help me, I think I've found yet another series I have to keep track of.

Next up on the reading list is a debut suspense novel - Five Days In Summer by Kate Pepper.

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